Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Did you eat at Chili's tonight?
Wow, free nail art deal from savemore.com
I just bought today's SaveMore.com deal for Jamberry Nails. I thought you might be interested in it too...cause you get it for FREE with your credit for signing up!
$7.50 for $15 Worth of Decorative Nail Shields from Jamberry Nails: http://svmr.co/l3q
This deal is almost over, so check it out now.
P.S. You'll receive $10 for signing up.
Free travel sizes
Wowza! Hot coupon inserts at Target!
Tons of special marked packages at target on crest, colgate, pantene, charmin and more! Have you found any other bonus packs?
Target deals this week!
Charmin sensitive on sale for $9.99, buy 2 get $5 giftcard. I had $1.00 off q's from q pack out of duracell batteries. There is $30 worth of q's in each pack of charmin...if you use some of the q's it basically pays for itself after q and giftcards.
Pantene, buy two shamp/cond get a styler free, plus they accepted two $1.00 off q and a target q on each! And each was a bonus size with free 10 oz in each!
Crest amd colgate bonus pks with $10 in q's are $2.99-$1 mq-$1 target home mail q=99 cents!
10% off chilis giftcards for dad!
Chili's Restaurant Gift Cards and Certificate
Revelon CVS moneymaker!
Possible Money Maker on Revlon ColorStay Pressed Powder at CVS
Friday is national doughnut day!
Monday, May 30, 2011
huggies enjoy the ride rewards
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
No coupons...
So I walked into Publix this week with not ONE coupon in my hands. And just by scanning their ads, finding peelies, and tearpads, here is my savings...right at 50%. I got free bananas, free vitamins, 58 cent baby cereal, free pancake mix-two of them, two syrups for 50% off (awesome on syrup!), sunscreen for less than $4 (good price on sunscreen using peelie and store q) and dark choc 75% off! Keep you eyes peeled for peelies ( but please dont be a peelie stealer!)
Happy birthday Brandi!!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Free Zyrtec Sample
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Jen is forwarding an email to you
Jen thought you'd be interested in this:
Jen also included this personal message to you:
Klondike gourmet potatoes coupon link.
Did you find the link interesting?
You can forward it on to your friends, too:
You can subscribe for more emails at:
* Note: if any of the URLs above are not clickable, you can
copy/paste them into your web browser.
Kid's bowl free all summer!
Select bowling centers and schools around the country are participating in the first ever Kids Bowl Free program. This program is designed by bowling centers to give back to the community and provide a safe, secure, and fun way for kids to spend time this summer.
Children whose age does not exceed a limit by a participating bowling center are eligible to register for 2 free games a day, all summer long, courtesy of the participating bowling centers along with the schools and organizations.
Click HERE to get started! God bless everyone's day!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Saving money "other ways" part...um...
I lost count of what part of the series we are on, but you get the point!
Saving money "other ways"...sometimes there are items that no coupon will ever be found for this product. And we just happen to have one of those products in our house. Elecare formula-boy oh boy. Costs a fortune and you can't just walk in a store and buy it. So, not only do we have to special order it, but it is super expensive. Retail at our local grocery store-the only one that is WILLING to even order it for us is $90+tax for one little can that lasts us about 3 days. WOWZA!
So I started digging on the web and Ebay was the only site that I could find that sold it cheaper. I researched the sellers of the formula and found a web only store that sells it on average $22-$29 dollars a can depending on how much you buy...the more you buy, the cheaper per can they sell it. So...we buy a lot at a time. To the tune of $400-$500 at a time. But the savings is overwelming. Not to mention that I use one of my reward programs for online savings like Shopathome.com to save me even more money. The savings varies depending on how much % back they are offering, but tonight the savings was 3%. So, a little over $12.00 back on tonights purchase.
So lets show the numbers (remember I am an accountant...I LOVE Numbers!)
Retail price for 18 cans=$1777.00 (price plus tax)
Ebay price for 18 cans=$430.00 (price plus shipping)
Shopathome.com savings=$12.90
Total Savings=$1359.90 in SAVINGS!
It isn't always easy to buy in bulk and shell out that much money, but with a little planning and thinking, as you can see, it is well worth the planning and effort!
Remember...sometimes you have to think outside the box and sometimes buying in bulk is cheaper! Sign up at Shopathome.com today and save on all your online purchases!
Click on the banner below to sign up!
SFGate: Couponing 101: Dos and Don'ts
Don'ts of getting started! Enjoy!
This article was sent to you by someone who found it on SFGate.
The original article can be found on SFGate.com here:
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 (SF Gate)
Couponing 101: Dos and Don'ts
Ritika Puri, provided by<br /><a href="http://www.investopedia.com" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none"><img src="http://imgs.sfgate.com/graphics/investopedia/investopedia_articles.gif" border="0" /></a>
With the rising popularity of shows like "Extreme Couponing", thrifty
shoppers' penny-saving habits have evolved from the solitary pursuit of
clipping coupons, to searching for and discussing them in online
communities. Even if you've been couponing for decades, if you aren't
doing most of it online already, you may be missing out on entire
unchartered savings territories.
How can you get started? Ultimately, you need to find a strategy that
works for your lifestyle. There's no cookie-cutter approach to saving
because everyone's 5-Step Intro To Online Couponing Making Your Own Coupon
Organizer Inexpensive Graduation Gift Ideas budget is different.
That said, here are a few major dos and don'ts for online couponing.
Do look for a coupon whenever you shop online.
Before you click the "buy" button, take a step back and do a quick search
for "your store of choice" + coupons and deals. Use a search engine, or
visit reputable websites that have a strong track record for providing
quality coupons.
Don't spend hours looking for offers.
You should be familiar with the expression that time is money. While you
should search for a deal, you shouldn't spend hours scouring the internet
to save $3. Avoid this frustration by knowing when to quit.
Do look for alternatives to shipping costs.
There really isn't any reason to pay $5 to $10 plus tax for shipping.
Instead, find options that are free like site-to-store shipping and free
shipping discounts.
Don't decide to buy something just because there is a coupon.
You may end up paying added costs - like shipping, for instance. Even if
you have a coupon, you should always evaluate the big picture. Be a smart
shopper instead of an impulsive one.
Do ask for help finding deals.
The advantage to couponing online is that there are a number of
communities with like-minded consumers. These people live absolutely
everywhere and even include people who work in retail and at deals
websites. When you have a question, just ask! Being social is much more
efficient than spending aimless hours browsing and searching.
Don't have false expectations.
While good do deals exist, too-good-to-be-true deals don't. If it looks
unrealistic, then it probably is. Similarly, you shouldn't have false
expectations about the deals that you're going to find. Sometimes, good
enough is simply good enough.
Do take couponing seriously.
As with many things in life, results take hard work. Don't expect to
become an "expert couponer" overnight. Saving does take skill, and some
people will see better results than others.
Don't take couponing too seriously.
The consequences include unnecessary stress, stinginess, false
expectations, and, yes, wasted money. Above all, when you're looking for
deals, freebies and giveaways, you should stay lighthearted. Life is
stressful enough, so couponing should never becomes something that bogs
you down.
The Bottom Line
You should strive to strike a balancing act with your couponing strategy.
There's no magic to saving - it's all about time management,
resourcefulness and efficiency.
Original story - Couponing 101: Dos and Don'ts
Copyright (c) 2011 Investopedia US. All rights reserved. Investopedia.com
is a division of ValueClick, Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright 2011 SF Gate
Store Matchups
Father's day is around the corner!
Harbor Freight Clearance Sale: Save Up to 80% Off!
HOT prices on Wii remotes!
New rite aid coupon policy
The changes are not very good. No bogo coupons on bogo sales. :(
i heart rite aid
10% off q at family dollar for military
Family Dollar Coupon – 10% off for Military
No q's in Sunday's paper
HOT deal on e.l.f. Cosmetics!
I love this brand! My whole makeup kit in my purse is e.l.f.!
Summer Feeding Program 2011-Free meals for kids!
Free Captain D's kids meal on your child's birthday
Smyrna's Jumper's Playhouse deal: 25 jumps for only $50!!
Check this out! It makes jumping only $2!!! We love this place AND they are getting 3 new inflatables this summer:
25 Open Jump Passes for $50.00!!!!!!!
You can use the pass with multiple children.
Only valid during open jump time.
Expires 8/5/11
Quantities limited so call (615) 220-7575 or come in today to purchase your pass!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Join Modnique-get $5 credit
Go Hereme to sign up for a $5 credit. The last time they offered this, I signed up and used my $5 credit on the cutest wall hanging.
Stein Mart military discount
Thanks reader Kristy for this info!
Bath & Body Works free signature collection item
Deals at Sallys Beauty Supplies
Plus get a free goodie bag with purchase of select items!
Kids eat free at Chili's today!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Join the Covergirl Celebration!
*thanks to bzz agent for this opportunity!
More ways to save at Target
I finally signed up for the Target Red Card. It acts like your debit card and only works at Target. Each shoppping trip that you use the card, you automatically save 5% off you entire total. There is no annual fee, no fees period. Just use it in place off your debit card. This does allow them to track your purchases, and they use the info to customize coupons.
New Publix ad is up for Wed. 5/25!
Donate to Goodwill and get 30% off at GAP!!!
Good morning!
"To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge." Matthew 13:12
Sunday, May 22, 2011
More projects in progress
Target craft projects
More target clearance!
Elf cosmetics on clearance
All of the elf cosmetics on the endcaps at target were on sale at least 30%.
Curious, did you get personalized up plus rewards?
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Go HERE to sign up for this GREAT program, if your not already a member! I have gotten so many great giftcards from this site!
Want to send a free text?
Go HERE to check it out.
Free Jewerly- just pay S&H
Free Sample

Go HERE to get a free sample of Nature's Bounty Fish Oil. I take this on a daily basis and this stuff is not cheap! I laughed because read the fine print...it says, "causes no fish burps"!!!! :)
Free internet radio
Love name brands?
Friday, May 20, 2011
Just one of those weeks...
Swagbucks Swidget!
Bottom of the page! Sign up today if you aren't "Swagging"!
physicians formula denies q!
due to the fact that people have used them in conjunction with other offers and sales resulting in their product being sold at too reduced of a price. Boo, I dislike when companies pull their q's like this. As an accountant I can tell you that someone did not forecast correctly the possible future impact this would have on their bottom line. Whoever wrote the coupon language did not properly use correct language such as "cannot be combined in conjunction with any other sales, discounts,or coupons. Must be used only on full price items".
I love their products, but I can tell you that I am unlikely to ever purchase it again. Oh well, Maybelline, Almay, Covergirl...you guys just gained some bottom line from this couponer!
Toys r us birthday club - click here to join!
Artscow: Set of 4 personalized magnets only $5.00 and free shipping!
Artscow has a large range of buttons and magnets on offer today for you to make some fun personalized party accessories. Over 10 different designs and several sizes to choose from, pick any 4 of the selected buttons and magnets for only $5 including free shipping to your doorstep. Click HERE to get yours!
Coupon Code : | BUTNMAGS |
Expiry Date: | 5 / 30 / 2011 |
It's Swagbucks Friday!!!
Swagbucks is a big way at how we get free gift cards! All you have to do is use their search engine and search like normal. The best part about Fridays are you can earn lots of swagbucks just by searching! Their are tons of other ways to earn too! Click HERE to get started on your free gift cards! God bless everyone!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Kellogg’s® Passport to Adventure | Kellogg’s® Cereals | CARS 2
Have you signed up for your Kellogg's coupons yet? If not, Sign up for $5 in coupons, special offers, promotions & more from Kellogg's! Click Here
Then click on the below link to go learn how you can score cool CARS 2 stuff at Kelloggs Site by buying specially marked cereal boxes and entering
the codes! Last year we scored free movie tickets from a similar promotion!
Kellogg’s® Passport to Adventure Kellogg’s® Cereals CARS 2
$4 Papa Murphy pizza q!
Large 1-Topping deLITE® Pizza $4 - Our Exclusive Crispy Thin Crust with your favorite topping- Click HERE for your q!
$5 Rite Aid q for new Wellness+ members!
1 year Good Housekeeping subscription only $7.97
*HOT* deal on Bridesmaid Tickets!
Go to Dailycandy.com (site is running slow) scroll to the bottom and
Click on the bridesmaids box. Limited number available!
Dove q for upcoming CVS sale
CVS will have this on sale starting Sunday 5/22, so print yours now! God bless everyone's day!
Teacher appreciation gift idea
End of the school year is upon us for county schools...and I want to get the boys teachers something meaningful and thoughtful...and I saw these at Target last night. The kids love craft projects and they,can personalize these for their teachers. These were $9.99 and are marked down to $4.99. They had a bunch of these sets and other like projects...make a wall clock, kid scrapbook, ect. I think grandmas would like these for their garden areas too! What do you think? Yea or ney?
More Target clearance
Saw these cute Roseart sets on endcap in stationary section. They had been $9.99 marked down to $2.99. I thought these would make a good addition to your birthday gift stash, or a great addition to operation shoebox!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Gloria vanderbilt jeans cheap!
Fwd: Toy clearance spotted at Target tonight!
From: "Jennifer Oliver" <jholiver22@gmail.com>
Date: May 18, 2011 11:02 PM
Subject: Toy clearance spotted at Target tonight!
To: <couponingforchrist.jo@blogger.com>
Looks like the Smyrna Target is already starting to markdown a good selection of toys! 30-50%.
About to be a new parent?
Do you know a Mother-to-be or Father-to-be that would want a lot of FREE stuff for their coming baby? Click Here
A frugal tip
My household uses free shampoo that I get from coupon/ drug store rewards for my son's bubble bath. I have a ton of free Suave, etc. that I won't use for our hair, but it makes great FREE bubbles!
Check out some success!
Want regional q's that we don't get?
$5 off $25 Dollar General coupon for 5/21
Free room cleaning of your choice!
Great Deals on Great Meals-publix printable q's!
$2 off any cheerios, Lucky Charms, ect. pair this with printable q's from boxtops.com, couponnetwork.com, generalmills.com
$1 off 4 yoplait individual yogurt cups (YUM!) pair this with 50 cent off 8 q in 5/8/11 SS
$1 off progresso soup
$2 off Hellmans 30oz
$1 off swansons chicken broth pair this with 50 cent off 1 in 4/10/11 SS
$1 off wishbone pair this with printable at http://www.makinglifebetter.com/offers/Coupon.aspx
55 cents off Knorr rice or pasta sides
$1.25 off Pace salsa
$1 off V8 fusion pair with q from
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Check your inbox for cvs deals
Go HERE to sign up today and start earning money! (not an affliate link). You can also register debit/credit cards that you use when you eat out and earn even faster. I noticed that one of my friends/readers favorite restaurant is on there...Mi Terra in Smyrna. So...not only did she save money by buying giftcards from here for a $25 Dining Certificate for up to 80% off! Click Here...but she will now earn money in her upromise account! Talk about a cheap night out for a family dinner!
I will post about SavingStar's seperate program in just a little bit!
Target clearance alert!
Shoes must be the item of the week that is on clearance at target this week! I saw so many pairs that were 30 to 50% off and this one pair of mens tennis shoes were on sale for $3.74!!! A lot of little kid shoes on clearance which would make this a good time to buy shoes for operation shoebox or soles for souls!
Snackpicks coupons!
Staples q and ink recycle deal
Plus, you can recycle any cartridge and get $5 back in rewards! This is an awesome deal as Staples usually offers $2 to recycle. Your reward will be mailed to you. Remember to shoot for exactly $50 with these types of q's to maximize your % of savings.