Monday, February 28, 2011

Does Couponing REALLY make that big a difference...

We get that question/attitude a lot...that couponing, while saving money, really doesn't make THAT big a difference, PLUS if you factor in TIME spent, expenses to coupon, and hassle to do so...well, it doesn't really make THAT big a difference, right?

Well, I will let you be the judge.  I kept up (as best I could) with as many items during one week's time that our family of 5 consumes (ages 1 year to 40 years) that I would have bought under normal non-couponing circumstances.  I kept up with the regular retail price of the item, the price per item that I spent/saved, and I also calculated how much time, utilities, and gas that I use during a week to generate these savings...although if you think about it, you still use those utilties and gas regardless to go buy/live/store those groceries anyways, BUT I have had neysayers say that is a factor, so here goes.

In a weeks time taking into account the following categories-clothing, food (including groceries and eating out), health and beauty, baby items, OTC meds, automotive and reading material, and entertainment.  If paying full retail price, we would have spent $670.00 out of pocket.  My savings, not taking into account any rebates, coupons such as $5/$30.00, or try me free rebates was $406.11.  If you factor in expenses (I included utilities, my time (which i valued high!), and used high monthly utilitiy averages, including electric, water, gas, internet, ink costs, and printer cost (cause I had to buy a new one) but don't pay for paper!) then the savings is $264.42 a week.  Times that by 52 weeks a year...$13749.84 a year!

What????  $13,749.84 a year?????  And honestly folks, I think that is a super low-ball figure.  One, I can't possibily keep up with all the savings/items we use a week, so I am sure I missed quite a few, two...I didn't factor in any rebates or additional savings, so the figure MUST be higher. 

Here is just a FEW of the items we consumed in a week that we paid ZERO dollars for...kid's clothing, hamburger buns, sloppy joe mix, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, fruit, mustard, headband, leggings, paper (for printing all those coupons), yogurt, kids meal at chili's, coffee creamer,
allergy meds, ibuprofen, cleaning products, hair gel, deoderant, mouthwash, lipstick, teething gel, sippy cups, and magazines.   JUST to name a few! 

So how about it...want to add 13k to your families take-home income this year?  If so, contact us about online class, arrange a person to person couponing trip, host a coupon party at you home, work, or church.  We speak at class parties, small group get-togethers, ect.  We would love to save you family thousands of dollars a year!

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