I, Brandi, wanted to do a post about how I shop. It appears that since TLC's Extreme Couponing show hit TV a few months back, my favorite stores's shelves are cleared by the time I get out of church on Sunday mornings. In the beginning, I was truly frustrated about this.
So, I sat down and talked to God about the "problem" I was having while trying to provide for our family. The most amazing thing happened. God spoke to me. He said, "If it is my will for you to have something, you will have it". Since then, I have had so many blessings when shopping. One example was today at Rite Aid....the Noxzema razors were sold out by the time I arrived at noon. Being free after only one q, I figured. I always take my time and introduce myself to employees/managers (when my 3 yr old allows). Well as I walk down the aisle to see the empty shelf, one of the nice shift supervisors I met asked what I needed today. I politely told him, (remembering what God told me) then he pulled 2 packs of razors out of a tub he was inventorying and handed them to me with a returning smile. God is so good.
While I am in church enjoying the Word, people are missing out on the same blessing due to greed. The devil works overtime these days unfortunately. Try to make it a habit to speak sweetly and smile warmly to every employee you encounter. And the best habit to make when coupon shopping?....say a prayer for God to bless your shopping trip before you enter a store.
I hope I have blessed someone with this post, and I pray that you all will continue to enjoy our site. Thank you all for your support!
You definately need a "like button for this" It's sad how inconsiderate people are to others these days. ;) -Melissa